Hello there, how can I help?

Hi, I'm John Tsevdos, a software engineer from Athens, Greece (🇬🇷). I'm a huge fan of full-stack JavaScript (primarily TypeScript nowadays), React and its ecosystem, as well as Jamstack and Serverless . I provide consulting and training in these technologies, and co-organizing the React 2 React Athens MeetUp !


Learn more about me

I am a senior software engineer (front end) who creates usable, elegant and effective web applications. Currently, I am employed at Orfium , a company specializing in music rights management and monetization solutions. I have over 15 years of experience in front-end technologies and love working with TypeScript and JavaScript.

For the past 7 years, I have been building web applications using React and a variety of frameworks including Next.js and Astro , as well as state management tools such as Redux , Recoil and Zustand . I have also utilized many libraries from the React ecosystem, including React Router , React Query , Styled-Components and Emotion.js , React Hook Form , React i18n , Ant Design , Material UI , Reactstrap , and many more. I am constantly striving to improve my knowledge and skills by learning Rust and exploring functional and reactive programming with languages and libraries like Elm , Ramda.js , and RxJS . Finally, I also have hands-on experience with several other JavaScript frameworks and libraries, including Vue.js , Angular , Svelte , Backbone.js , jQuery , Underscore and Lodash , axios , date-fns , and more.

In the backend stack, I love working with Node.js , Next.js , express , and express-like frameworks. I also have a decent understanding of PHP , Ruby (and Rails ) as well as several SQL and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB , PostgreSQL , MySQL and more. Additionally, I am a big fan of Linux OS (currently using Ubuntu ), Git , agile methodologies and always trying to do as much of TDD (Test-Driven Development) as possible.

Projects & Open Source

I code stuff

React validatus

Gnosis (design system)

Epignosis official react design system .

React validatus


A simple to use and light-weight React validator component.



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Greek in Tech

Greek in Tech

A single-page application (SPA) that displays greek words we use in technology. Check out how many they are!

Don't forget to have a look on my Github and npm profiles! Back in the "old" days I was also developing Wordpress themes and jQuery plugins . Feel free to fork and update them!

Knowledge sharing

I ️️❤️ being a mentor, teacher and of course student

Code.Hub: React Fundamentals

Code.Hub runs a variety of activities for software engineers and developers such as trainings and hackathons. I am responsible for teaching the React Fundamentals training. The specific training includes 30 hours of lectures, workshops and a final project submission. Some of the topics covered are the below:

SPA (single page applications), ES6, NPM Package manager, Git basics, What is React, Core principles, JSX, Components, Props and PropTypes, State, Lifecycle methods, React Hooks, Children, Event handlers, Forms, HTTP requests, Refs / DOM manipulation, React and CSS, Styled Components, Presentational and Container components, HoC and render props, React Router, ReactStrap, React dev tools, Debugging, Reconciliation, Project.

Code.Hub: React MasterClass

Code.Hub runs a variety of activities for software engineers and developers such as trainings and hackathons. I am responsible for teaching the React MasterClass training. The specific training includes 30 hours of lectures, workshops and a final project submission. Some of the topics covered are the below:

SPA (single page applications), ES6, NPM Package manager, Compilers/Bundlers (Babel/Webpack), Presentational and Container components, HoC and render props, React Hooks, React Context, React.lazy and Suspense, React Portals, Redux, Store, Actions and action creators, Reducers, Selectors, Middleware, Sagas, Mobx, React Router, Deployment, Testing react components (Jest - react testing library), Project.

Public speaking

Presentations and Talks

Cypress in 10 minutes

2018, September • Ministry of Testing Athens Meetup #3

A quick introduction and demo on Cypress testing tool. My presentation starts at 32'.

Responsive Web Design and touch devices

2013, June • JoomlaDay conference, Athens, Greece

The presentation covered aspects of responsive web design on touch devices, touch device problems and solutions, touch events and frameworks, mobile patterns and more.

Pragmatic Responsive Web Design

2013, March • JoomlaFrappe conference, Athens, Greece

The presentation covered many aspects of responsive web design, like workflow, tools, and tips.

Pragmatic Responsive Web Design

2012, December • UpNorth web conference, Thessaloniki, Greece

The presentation covered many aspects of responsive web design, like workflow, tools, and tips.

Drupal Tips 'n Tricks

2010, September • DrupalCamp conference, Athens, Greece

The presentation covered many Drupal CMS related tips and tricks on design and development.